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发布时间:2023-10-01 19:03:49 俄罗斯留学攻略

In Russia, do international students eat instant noodles? This question has been a topic of discussion among many people. While some say that eating instant noodles occasionally is not harmful, indulging in them regularly can have adverse effects on the body. In this article, we will explore in detail the eating habits of international students in Russia and their love for instant noodles.

1. Grassland instant noodles: a unique cultural phenomenon

Grassland instant noodles are a cultural phenomenon in small towns or suburbs of Russia. Using a portable stove, a small group of people gathers on the grassland with flashlights or mobile phones for lighting to prepare instant noodles. This unique experience speaks to the cultural diversity and creativity of people in Russia.

2. The popularity of instant noodles in Russia

Instant noodles are popular in Russia, and there are over 40 local instant noodle brands. However, only about 76 brands have Chinese flavors. Additionally, Russian dumplings are another popular food, but they contain only meat and have no other ingredients. Furthermore, the price of food items like juice, cheese, milk, and yogurt varies depending on their packaging and quality.

3. Limited food options in Russian supermarkets

International students studying in Russia may find the local cuisine to be quite different from what they are accustomed to. Russian convenience stores like Magnit and Dixie, for example, have limited snack options, which could be a problem for many students. They might complain about the lack of variety and have to adapt to the local food culture.

4. Food experience in Russia and South Korea as a part of cultural exchange

Russia and South Korea are both countries rich in cultural heritage. Students studying in these countries have the opportunity to experience and appreciate the traditional food culture of both nations. Instant noodles are a popular food item in South Korea, showcasing the Korean wave culture, and international students can experience that as a part of the South Korean food culture.

5. News updates related to instant noodles

In recent years, high consumption of instant noodles has led to some concerns. For example, authorities have imposed a ban on eating instant noodles on high-speed trains in China because of concerns about food safety. Similarly, there are concerns in Taiwan about losing the competitive edge of bubble tea because of excess consumption of instant noodles by the younger generation. Furthermore, in Russia, some people are concerned about the health impacts of excessive consumption of instant noodles.

In conclusion, instant noodles are popular among international students in Russia and are readily available, but these students should be aware of the health effects of consuming excessive amounts of instant noodles. Additionally, they can experience and appreciate the local food culture of Russia and other countries, which can enrich their study abroad experience.