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发布时间:2023-09-30 13:11:34 俄罗斯留学攻略


Many people are curious about the difficulty of studying in Russia, especially when it comes to the challenge of obtaining a degree or certification in the language. However, after some research, it seems that mastering Russian is not as hard as some people perceive it to be. As long as you are determined and have a solid study plan, studying in Russia could be a fulfilling and satisfying experience.

1. Russian language proficiency test

The Russian language proficiency test is a mandatory exam for foreigners seeking to study in Russia. However, the test is not difficult, and there are no retakes available. As long as you pass the test, your score will not matter, and you will be allowed to study in Russia.

2. Comparing Russian to other language

Compared to other languages like English or Chinese, Russian is not necessarily more difficult. While Russian grammar is complex, the language has its own unique set of rules that learners can adapt to. With dedicated study and hard work, it's possible to achieve proficiency in Russian in a relatively short amount of time.

3. Success in conversation versus writing

For those looking to achieve basic conversational skills, it's relatively easy to achieve within two to three months of dedicated study. The key is to not just memorize words and phrases but to understand the language's grammar and sentence structure. However, if you want to achieve fluency and full comprehension, it will take a lot more time and effort.

4. Studying for a Master's Degree in Russia

Master's degree programs in Russia are only two years long, so students are required to cover a lot of material in a short amount of time. As a result, the coursework can be challenging. On the other hand, students who complete their degrees in Russia can have access to unique research opportunities and potential employment prospects in the country.

5. CRT testing

For students who already have a bit of Russian language knowledge, the CRT (common Russian test) can be taken as an alternative to the standard language proficiency test. The CRT is similar to the English fouror six-level test and can be a good option for those with a limited background in the Russian language.

6. Learning Russian as an international student

As an international student, learning Russian can be difficult, with unique cultural differences and language barriers. However, many universities in Russia have begun to offer courses in English to improve the learning experience for non-native speakers. As more international students flock to Russia for their studies, language teaching methods are constantly evolving.

Overall, studying in Russia may not be as difficult as some people perceive. With consistent study, hard work, and the right attitude, a successful language acquisition outcome is attainable.