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发布时间:2023-09-29 19:13:16 俄罗斯留学攻略


Many people wonder if there are few Russian students studying abroad, particularly in countries where English is the main language of instruction. It is true that Russian students often struggle with English, and many do not reach a high level of proficiency even after studying the language in school. However, this does not mean that there are few Russian students studying abroad. In fact, the number of foreign students in Russian universities is increasing every year. In this article, we will explore some of the factors that make studying in Russia attractive to foreign students, as well as some of the challenges that students may face when studying in a country where the local language is not their own.

1. Language Barrier:

One of the biggest challenges faced by Russian students studying abroad is the language barrier. Russian students often struggle with English, particularly when it comes to pronunciation. The English R-sound, for example, is difficult for many Russian speakers, and their accent can be very thick. This can make it difficult for them to communicate effectively in an English-speaking environment.

2. Academic Performance:

Russian students tend to perform well academically, and there are few cases of students being expelled from Russian universities. However, there are some cases where students are expelled for absenteeism or for violating Russian law. Russian universities offer a variety of scholarships for foreign students to apply for, which can cover tuition fees and living expenses.

3. English Proficiency:

As we have mentioned, many Russian students struggle with English, and their proficiency level may not be as high as that of native English speakers. However, this is not to say that Russian students are not capable of succeeding in an English-speaking environment. Many students take language classes and work hard to improve their English skills.

4. Number of Russian Students Studying Abroad:

According to statistics gathered by UNESCO and the United States, there were approximately 13,000 Russian students studying abroad in the mid-1990s. The majority of these students were concentrated in countries such as the United States, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. However, in recent years, the number of foreign students studying in Russia has been increasing steadily. In the 2019-2020 academic year, there were 315,000 foreign students enrolled in Russian universities, accounting for roughly 10% of the total student body.

5. Importance of Learning Russian:

While many courses in Russian universities are taught in English, it is still important for foreign students to learn some Russian in order to function in daily life. English is not widely spoken in Russia, particularly outside of major cities, and knowing some basic Russian will make it easier for foreign students to communicate with locals and participate in cultural activities.

6. Cost of Studying in Russia:

The cost of studying in Russia varies depending on the institution and program. Some of the most prestigious universities in Russia charge higher fees than others. However, even at these institutions, fees are generally much lower than those charged at universities in the United States or United Kingdom. Additionally, there are many scholarship opportunities available for foreign students to help offset the cost of tuition and living expenses.

7. Growing Popularity of Studying in Russia:

Despite the challenges that Russian students face when studying abroad, there are many reasons why foreign students are increasingly choosing to study in Russia. Some of these reasons include the relatively low cost of living compared to other countries, the high academic standards of Russian universities, and the rich cultural experiences that students can have while living and studying in the country.

In conclusion, while there are certainly challenges that Russian students face when studying abroad, such as language barriers and cultural differences, these obstacles are not insurmountable. With hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt to new environments, Russian students can succeed academically and thrive in an international setting.