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发布时间:2023-09-28 17:17:10 俄罗斯留学攻略


With the development of the global economy, more and more Chinese students are choosing to study abroad, with Russia being one of the preferred destinations. However, there are some concerns about studying in Russia, especially in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic. In this article, we will summarize the key points regarding studying in Russia, including language requirements, the pandemic situation, graduation difficulties, and other relevant information.

1. Language requirements

For students who major in Russian language in undergraduate programs, they need to pass the TRKI, the highest recognized language test in Russia, which is equivalent to the Russian language proficiency test of Level 4 or Level 8. If you are not a Russian language major, you can still study in Russia, but you should learn some basic Russian before you go.

2. Pandemic situation

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit Russia hard, but it seems that the situation is improving. In the past three months, the number of new cases has been decreasing. However, it is still risky to study in Russia, especially in border areas. It is recommended that students avoid universities such as Belgorod State University and Southern Federal University.

3. Graduation difficulties

Graduating from a university in Russia can be difficult, especially for students majoring in science and engineering. Most universities have strict requirements for international students, except for the Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. It is advisable for students to do some research on their prospective universities and make sure they are choosing the right program for their abilities.

4. Other relevant information

When it comes to studying in Russia, it is important to be aware of the role of intermediaries. Some intermediaries claim that anyone can study in Russia, including those with low academic backgrounds, which is simply not true. Students should also be aware that the cost of living and studying in Russia can be high, and they should budget accordingly. Finally, many universities in Russia teach courses in Russian, but some also offer English-taught courses, so it is important to carefully research the language requirements before applying.


Studying in Russia can be a great opportunity for Chinese students, especially those who want to learn Russian language and culture. However, students should be aware of the challenges they may face before making a decision. With proper research and preparation, studying in Russia can be a rewarding experience.