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发布时间:2023-08-04 10:53:18 俄罗斯留学攻略


Russian universities have become increasingly popular among Chinese students, but there are concerns about whether or not Russian students will be discriminated against. This article will outline several important points about studying abroad in Russia, particularly regarding English language skills.

1. Creating an English learning environment

During their studies in Russia, students should not completely give up learning English and should work to cultivate an English learning environment to avoid interference by the language on their studies. This can be accomplished through various means, such as speaking with local English speakers or attending English language classes.

2. English proficiency in Russia

Russians generally have a good level of English proficiency and the application process for studying abroad in Russia is relatively simple compared to that of European and American countries.

3. Lack of need for English language certificates

As Russia is not an English-speaking country and Russian is its official language, students do not need to submit English language proficiency certificates during the application process for studying in Russia. However, since most Chinese students have little to no knowledge of Russian, they will need to study the language in Russia before beginning their studies.

4. The importance of Russian language proficiency

In Russia, it is difficult to get by without a good knowledge of the Russian language. For example, even in the capital city of Moscow, subway signs and other important signs are in Russian only. The low rate of English proficiency in Russia is, in part, due to the fact that, during the rule of the Russian tsars, Russian was declared the language of the elite.

5. Language ability levels and testing

If a student has some knowledge of Russian but did not major in the language, then they can take the Colleges and Universities Russian Test (CRT), which is the most widely used language proficiency test in Russia and is similar to the Chinese English language proficiency test. If a student has no knowledge of Russian, then they can choose to take a Russian language course at the intended university.

6. Educational Opportunities for Russian students

Russian universities offer a wide range of English-taught courses, including interdisciplinary courses, all at a reasonable cost, making them an attractive destination for those interested in Chinese-European academic exchange programs.

7. The importance of English writing skills

Frequent English writing practice can help students enhance their writing skills. They can keep an English journal, take course notes in English, or find an English writing partner to improve their language abilities.


Studying abroad in Russia can be a great opportunity for Chinese students, but it is important to be prepared before going. Cultivating English language skills and having a good understanding of the Russian language can help students avoid potential problems during their studies and optimize their academic experience in Russia.