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发布时间:2023-09-26 12:43:54 俄罗斯留学攻略


In this article, we explore the impact of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine on Russian students studying abroad, particularly in the UK. While some experts say there is little to no effect on studying abroad, others suggest there may be some economic and political risks for both Russia and the UK.

1. No significant impact on Russian students studying in the UK

Despite the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, many experts say that there is little to no effect on Russian students studying in the UK. This is largely due to the fact that the conflict has not spilled over into the UK, and the country remains safe for international students. Additionally, the UK has remained impartial in the conflict, meaning that there is no significant risk to Russian students studying there.

2. Low quality of education in Russian universities

Russian universities are largely considered to have a low quality of education, particularly when compared to universities in other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. This means that the value of a Russian degree may not be as high as degrees from other countries, making studying abroad a more attractive option for many Russian students.

3. Minimal impact of the conflict on studying in the UK

While the conflict between Russia and Ukraine may have some economic and political risks for both countries, the impact on studying in the UK is minimal. This is largely due to the fact that the UK is an island nation and largely cut off from the rest of Europe, making it safe from war or conflict on the continent. Additionally, the UK has already undergone Brexit, which further separates it from Europe's political and economic systems.

4. Impact of the conflict on Russian students in Russia

The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has had a significant impact on many people in Russia, including students. The country has already been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and a struggling economy, and the conflict has only added to these difficulties. Additionally, the conflict has caused the Russian ruble to decline in value, making it more difficult for students to afford the costs of studying abroad.

5. The potential risks of studying abroad during a conflict

Studying abroad during a conflict can come with some potential risks, including the risk of being caught up in violence or being targeted by political factions. Additionally, visa and residency issues may arise if a conflict causes political instability in a country.


While the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine may have some impact on studying abroad for Russian students, particularly in terms of economic factors, the impact on studying in the UK has been largely minimal. However, students should always be aware of potential risks associated with studying abroad during times of conflict and should take steps to mitigate those risks.