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发布时间:2023-09-23 10:55:58 俄罗斯留学攻略


This article discusses the difficulty level of Russian dissertation defense for international students. The article extracts useful information from the referenced sources and combines it with the analysis of big data to give a comprehensive understanding of different aspects of the defense process.

1. Don't be Anxious, Prepare Well

The dissertation defense is a crucial exposition of one's academic journey during their time in Russia, but it doesn't have to be overly stress-inducing. With ample preparation and a step-by-step approach, getting through the defense is achievable.

2. Thesis Defense Process

The thesis defense is a process that starts two months before the discussion with a pre-defense session held by ones' advisor. Here, the student's dissertation is assessed by a panel of professors who can ask questions and determine whether the student is ready for the defense.

3. Waiting Time for Ph.D. Defense

The waiting time for a Ph.D. defense varies based on the institution. For schools with dissertation defense committees, students do not need to wait for long before their defense.

4. Importance of Attending Preparatory Classes

Preparatory classes are necessary for students before they sit for their dissertation defense. The quality of the program depends on the school one chooses to attend.

5. Course Assessment and Evaluation

Russian university's evaluation process comprises of three parts: the final exam, the midterm exam, and the coursework. Additionally, attending classes is essential for students preparing to sit for exams.

6. Is Russian Studying Difficult?

Russian degree courses may vary depending on the specialization and can be challenging. However, if students attend all their classes, they're likely to advance to the next level.

7. Areas of Employment Opportunities

Russia is a great place for students to acquire cutting-edge knowledge and gain an international perspective. After degree completion, students can pursue research professions or work in organizations like Rosneft, Lukoil, and Gazprom.


In conclusion, the Russian dissertation defense process is not as hard as many people might think it is. The article explored different aspects of the process, including the importance of preparatory classes, the waiting time for Ph.D. defense, the course assessment and evaluation, areas of employment opportunities, among others. By following the tips provided above, students can successfully complete their dissertation defense in Russia.