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发布时间:2023-09-21 12:29:32 俄罗斯留学攻略


In recent years, an increasing number of Chinese students are choosing to study abroad, with Russia becoming a popular destination. According to data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in 2016 alone, there were over 16,000 immigrants who registered for study purposes.

1. Admission and Application Process:

Compared to Europe and the United States, the application process for studying in Russia is relatively simple. Students need to submit their application and required documents, including their academic records, resume, and passport, to the university of their choice. The admission process usually takes several weeks.

2. English Proficiency in Russia:

Contrary to popular belief, many Russians are fluent in English. While it may not be as common as other European languages, most Russians can speak and understand English to some degree. However, it is still recommended for international students to learn basic Russian, as it will be helpful in daily life.

3. Safety for International Students:

Russia is generally considered safe for international students. However, incidents of discrimination and violence against foreigners have been reported in some cases. It's important for students to be aware of the risks and take precautions to ensure their safety.

4. Increasing Number of Russian Students Studying in China:

Just as more Chinese students are heading to Russia for education, the number of Russian students studying in China is also on the rise. In recent years, an increasing number of Russian students have chosen to attend Chinese universities for undergraduate and post-graduate studies.

5. Chinese Students at Russian Universities:

Chinese students make up a significant portion of international students studying in Russia, with concentrations in prestigious universities like Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. The majors of Chinese students are diverse, ranging from science and engineering to the arts and humanities.

6. Opportunities for Learning Russian Language:

If you are interested in studying in Russia, it is recommended to learn the Russian language. There are different ways to practice, including language courses, language exchange programs, and language immersion programs.

7. The Appeal of Studying in Russia:

Russia is a massive country that offers many unique cultural experiences and opportunities for personal growth. From its rich history to its renowned science and technology programs, Russia has much to offer for students seeking an exciting and rewarding study abroad experience.

8. No.10 on the List of Countries Hosting Chinese Students:

As of 2015, Russia had 25,000 Chinese students studying in the country, ranking it number 10 on the list of countries hosting Chinese students for overseas education. With its vast territory and cultural wealth, Russia continues to attract Chinese students seeking study abroad opportunities.

9. Tips for Chinese Students Studying in Russia:

For Chinese students studying in Russia, there are several tips to keep in mind to make the most of their experience. These include learning the Russian language, familiarizing oneself with the local culture, and forming connections with Russians through social events and academic activities.

10. Exams for Non-Russian Speaking Students:

For students with a basic level of Russian language, they can take the CRT, the most widely recognized language test in Russia, similar to China's English proficiency tests. It is recommended for non-Russian speaking students planning to study in Russia to take this exam to demonstrate their language competence in Russian.