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发布时间:2023-09-19 15:28:58 俄罗斯留学攻略

Going to Russia for Study, Do I Need a Gun?

Russia has become an increasingly popular destination for international students in recent years. However, before you make your decision to study in Russia, there are some important things you need to know, such as the study environment, requirements, language, and customs. In this article, we will answer one of the most common questions regarding the issue of studying in Russia: do I need a gun?

1. Study Requirements

If you want to study in Russia, you need to prepare yourself with some knowledge of the Russian language and culture. Russian can be difficult to learn, but it is not impossible for those who are passionate about learning. Besides language, you also need to meet some basic academic requirements, such as having completed high school or having a bachelor's degree, depending on the type of program you choose.

2. Financial Requirements

Studying abroad, in general, can be costly. In addition to tuition fees, you need to consider the cost of living and other expenses. The good news is that studying in Russia is relatively affordable compared to some other study-abroad destinations. The average annual cost for a pre-college program ranges from 20,000 to 50,000 RMB, while the cost for undergraduate programs range from 20,000 to 40,000 RMB. The cost of living varies depending on the city, but on average it's around 10,000 RMB per year.

3. Health and Safety Requirements

Before you apply for a study visa in Russia, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination and provide a certificate of good health. You also need to be aware of safety and security issues while living and studying in Russia. While the crime rate in Russia has decreased significantly in recent years, it is still advisable to take precautions and be vigilant in high-risk areas.

4. Applying for a Gun License in Russia

As an international student in Russia, you are legally allowed to purchase and own a gun in Russia once you obtain a Russian gun license. However, it is not an easy process, and there are strict rules and regulations that you need to follow to obtain a gun license in Russia. The process involves submitting an application to the local police station, undergoing a psychological and physical examination, and obtaining a permit from the local administration. Even then, there are rules on when and where you can carry your gun.


If you are planning to study in Russia, you do not need to have a gun with you. The process of obtaining a gun license in Russia is lengthy and complicated. As long as you prepare yourself with the necessary language and academic requirements, meet the financial requirements, and follow safety and security protocols, your stay in Russia will be a rewarding experience without needing any firearms.