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发布时间:2023-08-02 10:59:16 俄罗斯留学攻略


When it comes to studying in Russia, some universities teach in Russian, while others offer English-language courses to attract foreign students. Russia has a substantial English-speaking population, and the process for applying to study in Russia is relatively simple. Students can improve their English through language exchange programs, academic activities, or English language courses offered at universities. In addition, Russian universities prioritize English language education for international students.

1. Universities in Russia teaching in English

Some Russian universities offer English-language courses in specific programs such as business, medicine, or engineering to attract foreign students. The University of Moscow, Saint Petersburg State University, among others, provide English-language courses in specific programs.

2. English proficiency of Russians

The English proficiency of Russians varies, but it is relatively good compared to other non-English speaking countries. English is increasingly becoming popular due to globalization, and schools are incorporating English courses in their curriculum. However, language barriers may still exist, making it necessary to have language exchange programs, online courses, or language classes in universities.

3. Improving English in Russia

Universities in Russia organize various programs to improve international students' English language skills. For example, universities provide English language courses as part of the curriculum, organize language exchange programs, and provide language training to foreign students. Additionally, students can participate in academic activities or attend English language high schools in Russia.

4. Study abroad programs in Russia

Russia's top universities offering English language courses, such as Moscow State University and Saint Petersburg State University, attract international students. The universities provide scholarships to some students based on merit or financial need. Students can also participate in international student exchange programs, allowing them to study for a semester or a year in a Russian university.

5. Living in Russia as a foreigner

Living in Russia as a foreigner can be challenging, particularly in terms of adapting to the culture and lifestyle. Therefore, it is essential to equip oneself with life skills such as language proficiency and cultural awareness. Learning basic phrases, such as asking for directions, ordering food, and buying tickets, can be helpful for navigating daily life in Russia. Additionally, using travel and accommodation apps, such as Airbnb and Google Maps, can make life easier for foreign students.

6. Choosing a study abroad agency

When choosing a study abroad agency or organization for studying in Russia, it is crucial to consider factors such as their track record and reputation, services offered, student testimonials, and fees. It is necessary to do extensive research and seek recommendations before choosing a study abroad agency.


Studying in Russia offers numerous benefits, such as English language courses, study abroad programs, and cultural exposure. To make the most of the experience, students need to equip themselves with English language skills, cultural awareness, and adaptability skills. Additionally, choosing a reliable study abroad agency can make the process of studying in Russia more comfortable and enjoyable.