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发布时间:2023-09-17 12:25:07 俄罗斯留学攻略


When it comes to studying abroad in Russia, one of the common questions that students have is whether or not they need a wallet. While the answer is not a straightforward yes or no, there are certainly some things to consider before you decide. In this article, we will explore the various factors that may affect your decision and provide some helpful tips for managing your finances while studying in Russia.

1. Transit and Travel Considerations

If you are travelling to Russia for studies, it is important to keep in mind the transit and travel requirements. Specifically, some airlines have requirements for the amount of time between connecting flights. Additionally, international and domestic flights may depart from different terminals, which means you'll have to collect and re-check your luggage, and also need to be aware of differing luggage weight limits for each segment of your travel.

2. Size of Wallet

When considering whether or not to bring a wallet to Russia, the size of the wallet is an important factor to consider. A wallet that is too big can be cumbersome to carry around, while a wallet that is too small may not be able to hold all of your cards and cash. Therefore, it is recommended that students bring a wallet that is of moderate size, which can hold all necessary items, without being too bulky to carry.

3. Managing Cash and Cards

While it is always important to keep cash and cards secure, it is particularly important when studying abroad in Russia. Specifically, it is recommend that students use a travel money card or credit cards to manage their finances, as they are portable, secure and easy to use. Additionally, utilizing online payment methods like Google Pay or Apple Pay can help to streamline transactions as they are widely accepted and assist with managing foreign currency exchanges as they usually offer favorable exchange rates.

4. Gift-Giving Considerations

When it comes to gift-giving in Russia, it is important to be aware of cultural norms. For example, when giving a wallet as a gift, it is important to add some money to it, as an empty wallet can be seen as bad luck or a sign of poverty. Similarly, it is important to avoid giving a bouquet of flowers with 13 flowers in it, as 13 is considered an unlucky number in Russia.

5. Cultural Etiquette

In addition to gift-giving considerations, there are other cultural etiquette rules that students should be aware of when studying in Russia. For example, smoking is prohibited in many public places including parks and transportation stations, and it is considered impolite to smoke in the presence of non-smokers.

6. Student Services

When it comes to studying abroad in Russia, many universities provide additional support services to help students adjust and navigate the experience. This may include language classes, cultural excursions, and workshops on managing finances. These services are incredibly helpful for students who are new to the country or are having trouble adjusting.

7. Technology Solutions

Lastly, there are many technology solutions that can help students manage their finances and travel seamlessly while studying abroad in Russia. For example, Yandex offers free personalized domain name services and is a great way to stay organized with your finances. Additionally, online forums and groups can be a great way to connect with other students and get support for challenges that arise.

In conclusion, while the answer to whether or not to bring a wallet to study abroad in Russia may not be straightforward, there are certainly many factors to consider, including cultural norms, travel requirements, and personal preferences. However, with the right preparation and tools at your disposal, students can thrive in this unique and rewarding academic experience.