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发布时间:2023-09-16 18:38:54 俄罗斯留学攻略


Many Chinese students are interested in studying in Russia, but there is a lot of confusion over whether it is necessary to take a preparatory course before starting their degree. This article will provide useful information on the necessity of Russian preparatory courses for international students who want to study in Russia.

1. The Importance of Language Proficiency:

If you only have a basic knowledge of Russian, then you can consider taking CRT, which is a commonly accepted language proficiency test in Russia. Similarly, if you have no knowledge of Russian, then you can apply for the preparatory course.

2. Russian Preparatory Courses:

Russian preparatory courses are designed to improve students’ language skills before they start their degree. This course lasts for around 10-12 months, and the first half of the course focuses on language learning while the second half focuses on academic subjects.

3. Is It Essential to Take Preparatory Courses:

It is recommended to take a preparatory course if you are a student with absolutely no Russian language background. However, for topics taught in English, Russian universities do offer English language courses. The ultimate decision on whether to take a preparatory course or not depends on the student’s personal language ability and academic objectives.

4. Cost of Preparatory Courses:

The cost of preparatory courses varies depending on the program and institution. On average, these courses range from $2,500 to $6,000, including all tuition fees, accommodation expenses, and medical insurance.

5. Lifestyle During the Preparatory Course:

Preparatory students have the same lifestyle as undergraduate students, and they can enjoy on-campus or off-campus accommodation depending on their preference.

6. Entrance Exam:

After completing the preparatory course, students need to take an entrance exam and demonstrate their proficiency in Russian before starting their undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral studies.

7. Recommended Preparatory Programs:

The top three universities in Russia that offer preparatory courses include Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University, and Novosibirsk State University. These universities offer a comprehensive language curriculum that is appropriate for students with different levels of Russian proficiency.


In conclusion, whether or not to take a preparatory course when studying in Russia depends on each individual student's Russian language proficiency and academic objectives. Taking a preparatory course can help lay a solid foundation for further learning, but it is not absolutely necessary. Regardless of whether you enter the university directly or through preparatory courses, the key is to improve your language skills and actively participate in academic life at the university.