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发布时间:2023-09-16 13:08:50 俄罗斯留学攻略


This article provides information on how to write the Russian study visa application in English. It covers the necessary documents needed for the visa application, the types of visas available, and the steps involved in the visa application process.

1. Gender

When it comes to completing the visa application, errors are seldom made, except for gender. If a mistake is made, it is not a big deal. The customs officials will make the necessary changes to the visa when you arrive in Russia.

2. Personal Information

Fill out the personal information as it appears on your passport, including your name, date of birth, and passport information.

3. Contact Information

Enter your contact information, including your phone number and email address.

4. Employment Information

Supply information about your employment status, including your occupation, employer’s name, and address.

5. Current Address

Provide your current address, including your street address, city, and country.

6. Travel Itinerary

Enter your travel itinerary, including the dates and locations of your trip.

7. Purpose of Visit

If you are traveling to Russia for tourism, enter “tourism” as the purpose of your visit. If you are traveling to study in Russia, there are specific types of visas that you must apply for.

Types of Russian Study Visas

1. Study Visa (Учёба)

The study visa is the visa that most self-funded foreign students apply for. The visa is valid for the period specified in the visa invitation letter.

2. Refresher Course Visa (Курс)

This visa is for short-term language courses or training programs of less than six months.

3. Graduate School Visa (Аспирантура)

For those going to pursue a graduate degree in Russia, this is the visa to apply for.

Documents Required for a Russian Study Visa Application

1. Passport (original, returned after processing, with copies of ID card)

2. Two passport-sized photos (no glasses, clear facial features)

3. Medical examination reports (originals, not refundable)

4. A visa invite

5. Certificate proving no infectious diseases

6. Proof of financial support

7. Proof of enrollment

Steps Involved in the Russian Study Visa Application Process

1. Make an appointment by email with the Russian embassy or consulate or via the Russian visa center.

2. Prepare all the necessary documents required for your visa application.

3. Complete the visa application form.

4. Show up at the appointed time and place and submit your application and supporting documents.

5. Wait for your visa application to be processed.

6. Collect your passport with the visa and any supporting documents.

7. Upon arrival in Russia, you will be required to undergo border control and customs inspection.


The process of applying for a Russian study visa is not complicated, but it does require the applicant to be thorough in writing their application and have the necessary supporting documents. Hopefully, this article has provided some useful information for the process and will aid those seeking to study in Russia.