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发布时间:2023-09-16 12:36:34 俄罗斯留学攻略


This article is about Russian cuisine and whether or not sauerkraut is popular in Russia among international students. The article discusses traditional Russian dishes, such as grilled meat and cabbage soup, as well as the etiquette and culture surrounding dining in Russia. The article also provides tips for studying in Russia, including recommended laptops and notebooks, as well as insights into the cost of living.

1. Introduction

Introduces the topic of Russian cuisine and its popularity among international students.

States the focus on sauerkraut in particular.

2. Traditional Russian Dishes

Discusses grilled meat as a popular dish in Russia, and how it is often paired with black bread and butter to enhance the flavor.

Introduces cabbage soup, another traditional dish that is loved by locals and visitors alike.

Gives examples of other unique Russian dishes, including Tatar sweet pastry and Yakutian frozen meat.

3. Russian Dining Etiquette

Explains the proper way to use silverware during a meal, and emphasizes the importance of waiting for other diners to start before beginning to eat.

Advises the reader to be prepared to make toasts and drink to their companions.

Offers suggestions for appropriate conversation topics, such as politics and literature.

4. Tips for Studying in Russia

Lists several high-end laptops that are recommended to bring to Russia, due to the high cost of electronics in the country.

Recommends purchasing correction tape ahead of time, as the Russian version can be difficult to use.

Suggests using grid notebooks, as these are common in Russia.

5. Cost of Living in Russia

Converts the Russian ruble to the Chinese yuan, providing the reader with a sense of currency exchange rates.

Shares anecdotal evidence of a Chinese student's experience bringing food back from Russia to share with their family.

6. Conclusion

In summary, the article provided an overview of Russian cuisine, including sauerkraut, and offered insights into dining etiquette and tips for studying in Russia.