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发布时间:2023-09-15 16:27:41 俄罗斯留学攻略


When it comes to studying abroad, Russia offers great opportunities for international students. However, the language barrier can be challenging, as English and Russian differ significantly in terms of pronunciation, grammar, and expression. Nonetheless, Russian universities follow a credit system, and foreign students can undergo a one-year Russian language preparatory course. Moreover, studying in Russia can provide numerous opportunities for cultural exchange, language learning, job prospects, and exposure to art and sport. This article will outline the advantages of studying in Russia and how to make the most of this experience.

1. Credit System and Language Learning

Russian universities utilize a credit system that allows students to choose from a wide range of courses. For foreign students, they must undergo a one-year Russian language preparatory course before pursuing their desired degree program. Although English is commonly spoken among international students, knowing Russian will be beneficial to accessing local research papers and mingling with locals.

2. Cultural Exchange and Language Immersion

Studying in Russia provides ample opportunities for cultural exchange and language immersion. Russian universities attract students from all over the world, making friendships and exposure to different cultures likely. Additionally, most students in Russia are already proficient in English, offering a unique opportunity for language exchange and furthering English language skills. Furthermore, immersing oneself in the Russian language and culture can help students gain a deeper understanding of the country and the people.

3. Job Prospects and Networking

Russia is a growing global economic powerhouse with numerous international companies and organizations. Students who complete their education in Russia have a unique advantage of being bilingual and possessing a first-hand knowledge of the country and the culture. This opens up many job opportunities, including the chance to work in Russia, Europe, or other English-speaking countries globally. Students can make use of the diverse network of faculty, alumni, and fellow students to advance their careers.

4. Art and Culture

Russia is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, including literature, music, ballet, and sports. Russian literature, showcased by authors such as Tolstoy and Pushkin, constitutes some of the most significant contributions to world literature. Russia is also famous for its classical music, with composers like Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich leading the pack. Additionally, Russia is recognized globally for its ballet, with the Bolshoi Theatre being among the most prestigious. Students who study in Russia can access, learn, and enjoy this cultural heritage.

How to Make the Most of Studying in Russia

1. Learn Local Customs and Laws

It is essential to learn and respect local customs and laws when studying in Russia. Being aware of the local culture and practices reduces the likelihood of conflicts and misunderstandings. Knowing local etiquettes like removing shoes before entering a household or dressing conservatively also enhances the language immersion experience.

2. Develop Language Skills

Learning Russian will enhance the overall academic and personal experience when studying in Russia. Knowing Russian can enable a student to engage better with locals, secure internships, and access local research papers. Also, students should hone their English skills, as it is the language of instruction and a vital tool for networking.

3. Apply Early

Applying early when planning to study in Russia increases the likelihood of securing admission to desired programs. Applications usually take several months to process, and the admission process can be lengthy due to visa requirements.


Studying in Russia offers a unique opportunity to experience a diverse culture while receiving a top-notch education. Although the language barrier can be daunting, it should not discourage keen students. By engaging with locals, respecting local customs, and learning the language, students can make the most of their Russian education.