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发布时间:2023-09-13 11:44:24 俄罗斯留学攻略


For those who are planning to study abroad in Russia, there are several important things to keep in mind, including the need to report certain information and documents. In this article, we will summarize the key points that you need to know when it comes to reporting requirements for studying abroad in Russia.

1. Reporting requirements for receiving payments

Before receiving any payment, you need to report it in advance. The information that needs to be reported includes the PI and the name of the Russian remittance bank. Approval of the report usually takes one business day.

2. Reporting requirements for entering Russia as a student

Students need to report certain information, such as purchasing medical insurance and providing proof of COVID-19 vaccination, in order to enter Russia as a student. Students also need to provide a recent negative COVID-19 test result and self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in Russia.

3. Reporting requirements for entry card

The entry card is an important document in Russia and should be kept safe at all times. If the entry card is lost, it should be reported immediately and replaced through the relevant department.

4. Safety advice for studying in Russia

It is important to have a good understanding of local customs, climate, law, and safety conditions in Russia before studying abroad. It is also important to protect personal belongings and be aware of surroundings when outside.

5. Reporting requirements for entering and leaving Russia

As of April 1, 2022, entry and exit from Russia requires reporting to local public security and epidemic prevention departments. In addition, a visa must be obtained in advance from the Russian embassy in your home country.


To summarize, studying abroad in Russia requires adherence to various reporting requirements and safety precautions. It is important for international students to stay informed and take all necessary steps to ensure a safe and smooth experience while studying in Russia.