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发布时间:2023-09-08 16:47:10 俄罗斯留学攻略


When studying in Russia, do you need a mobile phone? This article aims to provide useful information for students planning to study in Russia and whether or not a mobile phone is necessary.

1. Language requirements for studying in Russia:

For undergraduate students majoring in Russian, they can take the ТРЯ test, which is the highest recognized language test in Russia. If you pass this test, you will have no problems with the language during your studies.

2. Using your phone in Russia:

You can use your own phone and SIM card in Russia as long as international roaming is enabled. However, for long-term students, it is recommended to use a local phone and SIM card for more benefits.

3. Advantages of using a local phone and SIM card:

During your studies, a local phone and SIM card will be useful for communication and accessing local services. It is also recommended to have apps like Russian-Chinese or Chinese-Russian dictionaries installed for language learning. Additionally, exchanging dollars or euros in Russia is challenging, so having a local phone and SIM card can help with financial transactions.

4. Applying to study in Russia:

When applying to study in Russia, it is important to fill out all the necessary paperwork in either Russian or English. Make sure you use the same name on all documents to avoid any issues during the application process.

In conclusion, it is not a requirement to have a mobile phone when studying in Russia, but having a local phone and SIM card can bring many benefits. It is also important to have a good level of Russian language proficiency for your studies in Russia.