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发布时间:2023-09-06 16:08:35 俄罗斯留学攻略

For Russian international students, having documents is crucial for their study and life abroad. In this article, we will provide useful information on the documents that Russian international students need.

1. Standard passport

To enter Russia, international students need a standard passport to prove their identity and citizenship. It is essential to have a valid passport before applying for a visa.

2. Visa

Before entering Russia, international students need to obtain the appropriate visa that matches the purpose of their stay. Russian visa categories include student visas, tourist visas, business visas, and work visas.

3. Standard photo for documents

International students need to prepare a recent standard photo for their documents. The color of the background does not matter.

4. Diploma certificate verification statement

According to the requirements of different countries/regions and universities, Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) needs the written authorization of the certificate holder to verify the authenticity of the diploma certificate.

5. Graduate certificate (red diploma)

For Russian international students, obtaining a graduate certificate (red diploma) is a challenging task since the qualification criteria are strict. The conditions for getting the red diploma include: having excellent grades and not failing any courses during the study period.

6. Scholarship opportunities

Russian education offers many scholarship opportunities for international students, and the success rate of applications is between 30%-50%. The Russian education department pays for the tuition fees and accommodation costs and provides a monthly living allowance.

7. Simplified procedure for obtaining residence permits

Starting from July 2022, the procedure for obtaining a residence permit for foreign citizens and stateless persons who receive full-time education in Russian national educational and scientific institutions will be simplified.

8. Choosing the right university

International students should choose Russian universities that are registered with the Russian education department. It is essential to avoid unregistered, low-cost universities with poor educational quality.

9. Student card

For international students studying in Russia, student cards are crucial documents that prove their identity as students. It is required for student identity verification purposes, such as buying discounted tickets and obtaining financial aid.

In conclusion, for international students studying in Russia, having appropriate documentation is essential and necessary. Obtaining the correct documents increases the success rate of obtaining scholarships, simplifies residence permit applications, and provides easier access to student discounts and other benefits.