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发布时间:2023-09-05 19:23:45 俄罗斯留学攻略


Many people wonder whether studying mathematics is a requirement for studying abroad in Russia. This article explores the relevant knowledge points regarding studying abroad in Russia.

1. Language requirement

One must have a good command of Russian to study in Russia. The level of Russian proficiency required depends on the degree program chosen.

2. Course requirements

The courses a student must take depend on the university and program they choose. Some universities teach in Russian, while others offer courses taught in English.

3. Top universities for mathematics and computer science

For those interested in mathematics or computer science, the top universities in Russia with English-taught programs include Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Higher School of Economics, and St. Petersburg State University.

4. Curriculum for pre-university study

The pre-university study program in Russia includes courses in basic Russian, as well as courses in subjects like math, physics, and biology for those interested in science programs.

5. Health and financial requirements

To study in Russia, one must have a valid passport and visa, pass a health check, provide proof of financial means to pay for tuition, and meet other standard entry requirements.

6. English language curriculum

English is taught in Russian schools from primary to university level, but Russian English education has traditionally focused more on grammar than on speaking and listening skills.

7. Scholarships

The Russian Education Ministry offers scholarships to foreign students. These scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, and other expenses.

In conclusion, studying mathematics is not necessarily a requirement for studying abroad in Russia. However, to be successful in the Russian academic system, one needs to have a strong command of the Russian language as well as meet the other standard entry requirements. Additionally, students interested in mathematics and computer science should consider applying to the top universities in Russia that offer programs taught in English.