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发布时间:2023-09-05 13:46:19 俄罗斯留学攻略


When it comes to studying abroad, many students may consider countries like Europe and the United States, but what about Russia? Is studying in Russia a viable option for students? One concern students may have is the level of English proficiency among Russians. However, this article aims to explore the topic of studying in Russia and provide useful insights and information.

1. The Application Process:

Compared to Europe and the United States, the application process for studying in Russia is relatively simple. Most universities require students to submit their academic transcripts, diplomas, and a letter of motivation. There are no standardized tests required for admission, such as the SAT or ACT. Additionally, Russian universities offer various scholarship programs to support international students financially.

2. Language Barriers:

One of the biggest concerns students have when considering studying in Russia is the language barrier. Although Russia is not an English-speaking country, there are many Russians who are proficient in the English language. English is widely taught in schools and universities, and many Russians speak English as a second or third language. However, students who plan to study in Russia for an extended period may want to consider learning the Russian language to help them better integrate into the local community.

3. Student Life in Russia:

Russia is a vast country with a diverse culture and plenty of attractions for students to explore. Student life in Russia is characterized by the vibrant nightlife, cultural festivals, and various entertainment options. Moscow and St. Petersburg, in particular, offer a great combination of vibrant nightlife and cultural attractions, making them popular destinations for international students. Additionally, studying in Russia is relatively affordable, and international students can enjoy significant discounts on various services, such as public transport and cinema tickets.

4. Chinese Students in Russia:

With the improving relationship between Russia and China, more Chinese students are choosing to study in Russia. According to statistics, the number of Chinese students in Russia has been increasing significantly, reaching a record high in 2019. One of the factors contributing to the increasing trend is the close cultural and economic ties between Russia and China. Additionally, Russian universities provide various scholarship programs for Chinese students, making it an attractive option for students looking to study in a foreign country.

5. Studying Math in Russia:

Russia is renowned for its excellence in math education, and many international students come to Russia to learn from some of the best minds in this field. Russian universities offer world-class programs in mathematics, with renowned researchers and faculty members. Students who study math in Russia benefit from a rigorous academic curriculum and a stimulating intellectual environment.


In conclusion, studying in Russia can be an excellent option for international students, given its low tuition fees, vibrant culture, and vast opportunities. Although English is not the primary language in Russia, many Russians are proficient in the English language, making it easier for international students to communicate with the local community. The application process is also relatively simple, and Russian universities provide various scholarships and discounts on services to support international students.