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发布时间:2023-09-01 15:45:35 俄罗斯留学攻略


As an international student, one of the major concerns while going to Russia for higher studies is finances. This article aims to provide useful information and insights related to finances for studying in Russia.

1. Bring Cash but within Limits

It's advisable to bring some money in cash while coming to Russia, but the amount should be below $10,000 as per the customs regulations. The exchange of foreign currencies into Russian rubles can be done with the help of the foreign teachers upon arrival.

2. Russian Studies is Cost-Effective

Compared to other countries like the USA, UK, France, Japan, Korea, and Singapore, studying in Russia is relatively cost-effective and provides a well-rounded education. However, it is essential to keep track of the total expenses related to accommodation, food, and transportation, etc.

3. Language Tutoring

Chinese students who are fluent in Mandarin can earn extra money by teaching Chinese as a language tutor. Similarly, students who have a good command of English can also provide English language tuition services to earn extra cash while studying in Russia.

4. Realistic Expense Estimation

The cost of living in Russia varies depending on the city and the university chosen. It is important to obtain accurate information about these expenses from reliable sources to avoid any financial surprises or difficulties while living in Russia.

5. Language Coaching Opportunities

Assisting in language classes can be another way to add to income sources for international students. Teaching Chinese or English on a part-time basis at language centers or private coaching can be a viable option for students who wish to earn additional income.

6. Things to Keep in Mind While Studying in Russia

International students need to be aware of certain basic issues before leaving for Russia to ensure a smooth transition. Some of these things include keeping backup phones, carrying spare data cables, carrying multiple screen protectors for phones, and not relying too much on friends for financial support.


Studying in Russia is an excellent option for students seeking a cost-effective education with world-class amenities. It is advisable to have a clear idea of the total costs involved in studying there to be financially prepared. Additionally, exploring additional income sources like language tutoring and language coaching can help international students earn extra money.