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发布时间:2023-08-25 17:51:05 俄罗斯留学攻略


This article discusses the possibility of studying in Russia for international students. It covers the necessary materials required for application, language barriers, and accommodation issues.

1. Materials required for application:

International students who want to study in Russia need to prepare several documents, including an application form, study plan, recommendation letter, transcripts, English translation, photo, and English proficiency proof. These materials are essential for application, and students should prepare them carefully.

2. Language barriers:

Many international students face language barriers when studying in Russia, as many local services such as hotels may not have English-speaking staff. To cope with this issue, students can use translation tools such as Google Translate or seek the help of timely chat tools such as TradeManager or Skype.

3. Accommodation issues:

Accommodation is indispensable for studying abroad, and many international students may encounter the problem of "translation hotels," which lack English service and communication with hotel staff may be difficult. To solve this problem, students can visit English websites dedicated to Russian culture or use translation services from reliable agencies such as Huayi Translation.


Studying in Russia is an excellent option for international students, but it comes with its challenges. This article provides valuable information for students who are considering studying in Russia, with tips on how to overcome language barriers, prepare application materials, and find suitable accommodation.