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发布时间:2023-08-25 17:23:56 俄罗斯留学攻略


Before heading to Russia for studies, students would need to calculate the total amount of money they would require to cover tuition, accommodation, other fees, as well as living expenses. They can carry some amount of USD with them, which they can exchange with the local currency, the Ruble, upon their arrival. Besides, students can apply for an international credit card, which they can use to make purchases without incurring additional charges. Additionally, they would need to apply for a visa, which attracts fees covering application, insurance, and mailing. The cost of studying in Russia is relatively low and averages between 20,000 to 30,000 RMB per year. Students need to consider carrying enough cash, apply for an international credit card, and obtain a visa before leaving for Russia.

1. How to Carry Money When Studying in Russia

1.1 Bringing Some USD

Students can bring some amount of USD with them, which they can use to pay for their tuition fees and other expenses. However, customs regulations require that they carry less than ten thousand USD. Once they arrive in Russia, they can have their USD exchanged for Rubles by their foreign teachers.

1.2 International Credit Card

It is recommended that students apply for an international credit card like Visa or Mastercard before leaving for Russia. They can use these cards at supermarkets in Russia without incurring transaction fees. Students can also carry some amount of USD and RMB with them for emergencies.

2. Visa Application Fees

Students need to apply for visas before departing for Russia. The fees for this process usually range from 1200 to 2000 RMB, covering application, insurance, and mailing.

3. Cost of Studying in Russia

Studying in Russia is relatively cheaper than in other countries, with a cost ranging from 20,000 to 30,000 RMB per year. However, this cost excludes other expenses such as accommodation, living expenses, and other fees, which students need to calculate before leaving.

4. What to Pack When Going To Study in Russia

4.1 Essentials

Students need to carry essential items such as a passport, admission notice, and a copy of their visa. They also need to include necessary clothing such as warm clothes, boots, jackets, and hats, depending on the weather.

4.2 Books and Notepads

Students can carry a few notebooks and books for reference, but they should also consider the weight of their luggage.


Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience, but it is essential to prepare beforehand. Before leaving for Russia, students need to calculate their expenses, apply for a visa, and carry enough cash. They also need to pack essential items required for their studies and daily life. With early preparation, students can enjoy their stay in Russia and focus on their academics without worrying about finances.