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发布时间:2023-08-23 14:57:52 俄罗斯留学攻略

Going to Russia to study is becoming more and more popular due to the relaxed requirements and relatively low costs. In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on how to study in Russia for English speakers, covering various aspects that one needs to know.

1. Requirements for studying in Russia

Compared with other countries, the requirements and qualifications for studying in Russia are relatively simple. The applicant needs to have a diploma from a high school or university in their home country, and pass the equivalent exam of the Russian State Examination. Additionally, there is no need to take an English proficiency test as many universities offer programs in English.

2. Cost of studying in Russia

The cost of studying in Russia is much lower than many other countries, with programs ranging from $1,500 to $5,000 per year. However, international students must register with the Russian social security system and pay a fee of around $90-$120 per year.

3. Guidance and assistance

It is essential to find a reliable advisor or agency if one is planning to study in Russia. A trustworthy advisor can guide the student through the entire process, including selecting the right university, choosing a major, scholarship application, and visa application. Furthermore, they can assist the student in adjusting to life in Russia and answer any questions they may have.

4. Top English programs in Russia

Moscow State University is the most prominent university in Russia, and it offers a variety of English programs in various fields, including engineering, economics, and medicine. These programs are highly respected with a high academic standard, making them a great choice for international students.

5. Cost of living in Russia

The cost of living in Russia is lower than many other countries in Europe, with a moderate cost of food, accommodation, and transportation. Though the cost varies depending on the location of one's university, students can expect to spend around $300-$400 per month on living expenses.

6. Language barriers

Many students are concerned about the language barrier in Russia, but now many Universities provide English courses making it more accessible for international students. Still, it is a good idea to learn some basic Russian phrases to navigate through daily life and make more connections with locals.

7. Scholarship opportunities

Many universities in Russia offer scholarships to international students, which can significantly help with tuition fees and living expenses. Students should be sure to check individual university websites and Scholarship programs to see if they qualify for any opportunities.

In conclusion, studying in Russia can be a great opportunity for international students with its low costs and flexible requirements. By following the guidance and choosing the right program, international students can develop their academic skills and enjoy a unique cultural experience in Russia.