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发布时间:2023-08-19 14:38:00 俄罗斯留学攻略

Going to Russia to Study in English

When it comes to studying abroad, Russia may not be the first country that comes to mind. However, there are English-language programs available at some Russian universities, such as the prestigious Moscow State University. Applying to these programs does not require a preparatory course, making the process easier for students with strong English skills. The application period is usually between May and June, and the visa processing time is around three months. Classes in Russian universities begin in September, so it’s important for students to arrive early to familiarize themselves with the environment.

1. Major Options for English-Language Programs

English-language programs in Russia are available in various fields, including humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Some of the popular options include:

International Relations and Political Science




Computer Science

Students can also choose to study in a combination of English and Russian, which may require a higher level of proficiency in Russian.

2. Required Language Proficiency

To enroll in an English-language program, students must provide proof of their English proficiency through standardized tests such as TOEFL or IELTS. The minimum scores required vary by university and program, so it’s important to check the specific requirements for each. Some universities may also offer their own language proficiency tests.

3. Cost of Studying in Russia

Compared to other countries, the cost of studying in Russia is relatively affordable for international students. The tuition fee varies depending on the university and program, but it’s generally lower than in Western countries. Living expenses such as accommodation and food can also be reasonable, especially if students choose to live in university dormitories.

4. Preparatory Course Options

For students who do not meet the language proficiency requirements, preparatory courses are available in Russian universities. These courses typically last one year and can help students improve their language skills and adapt to Russian culture. Some universities also offer preparatory courses in English for students who want to enroll in English-language programs but need to improve their English proficiency.

5. Types of Music Courses

Russian universities are well-known for their strong music programs, but there are different types of courses available depending on the instrument or area of focus. For example:

Piano or Vocal Music: The focus is on playing piano or singing, with frequent specialized classes and a frequency of 2-3 classes per week.

Music Education: This includes most musical instruments, vocal training, conducting, and dance. The curriculum is more comprehensive, and students can choose to specialize in one area.

6. Requirements for Undergraduate Studies

To apply for an undergraduate program in Russia, students must take an entrance exam in July, which tests their proficiency in English and mathematics. It’s recommended that students score at least 120 points in the English exam or have an equivalent score on IELTS. Other requirements may vary by university and program.

In conclusion, while not a popular destination for international students, Russia offers opportunities for English-language study in various fields, including music. The cost of studying is relatively affordable, and preparatory courses are available for students who want to improve their language proficiency. It’s important to carefully research the requirements for each university and program before applying.